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911 Driving School - Drivers License Training

7 Driving Skills to Master

Learning to drive is a safe and exciting experience when proper skills and safety measures are taken. At 911DrivingSchool, we employ top-notch police officers and first responders to assure you that your learner is receiving the finest teen drivers education. We’ve put together this list of driving skills to master to help your teen become a safer driver:

1. Scanning the Road

By constantly scanning the road, your teen will be better equipped to identify potential hazards and respond appropriately. To master the skill of watching the road, encourage your teen to look ahead several car lengths and be aware of what’s happening on the road ahead. This includes: 

  • Keeping an eye on other vehicles, road signs, and any potential hazards that may be coming up.
  • Using peripheral vision to check the sides of the road and be aware of any potential dangers or obstacles. 
  • Watching for cars merging into lanes, pedestrians, or bicycles. 
  • Checking the rearview mirror regularly to be aware of any vehicles behind them. 

2. Avoiding Aggressive Behavior

If another driver is acting aggressively, advise your teen to avoid making eye contact and engaging with them. Eye contact may be interpreted as a challenge, leading to aggressive behavior. Instead, teach your teen to keep their eyes focused on the road ahead and not engage with the aggressive driver.

Rude gestures or honking the horn can escalate the situation and increase the risk of an accident. Maintaining a safe following distance can help reduce the risk of road rage and a rear-end collision. 

If another driver is tailgating or following too closely, give the other driver space by changing lanes or slowing down. This can help to avoid a collision and reduce the risk of road rage. If another driver acts recklessly or threatens your teen’s safety, have them report the incident to the police. Have them call 911 if they are in immediate danger.

3. Avoiding Distracted Driving 

New drivers must learn how to avoid distractions while driving. Distracted driving can be caused by many things, including using a phone, eating, and adjusting the radio.

To help your teen avoid distracted driving, encourage them to:

  • Turn off their phone or put it on silent mode before starting the car. This eliminates the temptation to check messages or take calls while driving.
  • Plan their route, adjust the radio, and attend to other non-driving tasks before hitting the road.
  • Wait until they reach their destination to eat.
  • Avoid engaging in conversations with passengers while driving.

4. Driving Near Large Trucks

Tractor-trailer trucks are much larger and heavier than passenger vehicles. They’re more challenging to maneuver around. These large trucks have blind spots, known as “no-zones,” where the driver cannot see other vehicles. 

Encourage your teen to pass quickly without lingering in the truck’s blind spot. They should not slam on breaks in front of a truck, as large trucks require more room to stop than a passenger vehicle.

5. Merging Into Traffic

Smooth navigation of exits and merging traffic allows for a safe and efficient driving experience on the freeway. Your teen should learn to merge into the correct lane before reaching the exit and use turn signals when changing lanes. Have them pay attention to the speed of other vehicles on the highway and adjust their speed accordingly to blend in smoothly with traffic.

6. Understanding Traffic Signs and Signals

Encourage your teen to study the driver’s handbook and understand the meanings of different signs and signals. Practice identifying different traffic signs during driving lessons and discuss their meaning. 

Teach your teen to obey all traffic signals, including red lights, stop signs, and yield signs, and to avoid running them. Demonstrate to your teen how to properly use turn signals to signal their intentions to other drivers and to help prevent accidents. 

Teach your teen to watch for special signs, such as school zone signs, construction signs, and detour signs, and to adjust their driving accordingly.

7. Driving in the Rain

Wet roads can reduce visibility and make it more difficult to control the vehicle. Prepare your teen to drive safely in the rain. To help your teen avoid an accident in the rain, teach them to:

  • Slow down and allow for longer stopping distances in wet conditions.
  • Use low beams to improve visibility and avoid startling other drivers.
  • Increase the following distance from other vehicles to provide more time to react in case of sudden stops.
  • Avoid sudden movements, such as quick lane changes or hard braking, as these can cause the vehicle to lose traction on wet roads.
  • Recognize what hydroplaning is and how to avoid it.
  • Avoid deep water, which can cause the vehicle to lose control or damage the engine.

Teen Drivers Education

At 911DrivingSchool, we have experienced police officers, firefighters, and EMS workers teaching our students. These professionals have firsthand experience with the dangers and challenges of the road. 

Our instructors use real-world experience to provide practical advice that your teen driver can apply to their driving experiences. Reward your teen by enrolling them in our teen driver’s education course. Give them the gift of safe driving that will last a lifetime.