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911 Driving School - Drivers License Training

Preventative Measures We Teach at Our Teen Driving School

Teen driving school can help your teen understand the do’s and don’ts of driving. At 911 Driving School, we teach your teen certain preventive driving measures. By doing so, we can help to make sure they are as safe as they can be. Here are some of the preventive measures we teach: 

Driving Safety Basics 

One key preventive measure we can teach your child while they are taking our teen driving courses is driving safety basics. Some of these basics may be overlooked because seasoned drivers do them without thinking about them. Newer drivers may not notice these basics that are key to safe driving. 

Some driving safety basics may include putting on a seatbelt and making sure all passengers buckle up. We also teach how to adjust mirrors so your teen can see all the correct viewpoints. Our instructors understand that it is key to go over even the simplest element of safe driving measures to keep your teen safe. 

Understanding Road Markings, Signals, and Signs

Our instructors are police officers and first responders; we hire these instructors because they are highly understanding of rules and regulations. We help your teen understand road markings, signals, and signs to keep them safe. Understanding these markings, signals, and signs can be a preventative measure when understood correctly. Our courses go through the basic signs to look for and more obscure signs one may not see each day. 

Handling a Car in Different Weather Conditions

A preventative measure that we teach your teen to use is how to drive safely in different weather conditions. We know that it can be nerve-wracking to drive in harsh weather and want your teen to understand the best way to do so. Our instructors provide information regarding driving in the snow, heavy rain, fog, and more. Your teen can understand the best way to drive in these conditions and this may help them feel more comfortable when the weather is amuck. 

Understanding Maintenance and How a Car Works

One element to help keep your teen driving safely is understanding how a car works and the basic maintenance required. Your teen can learn the basic maintenance required of vehicles, like how often to change the oil and other fluids, when tires should be replaced, and other key maintenance requirements. We can also teach the basic symbols that may show up on a car dashboard and what to do if and when they light up. Our instructors can help your teen understand how to prevent car issues and what to do when they arise. 

Driving Without Distractions

Another key preventative driving measure we can teach your teen is driving without distractions. Today there may be more ways to be distracted while driving than ever before. Our instructors can teach your teen about the dangers of distracted driving. We can show that using a cell phone, eating, putting on makeup, and other distractions can cause harm to your teen and those around them while driving. Understanding what is and what is not a distraction may help protect your teen from harm. 

Understanding About Driving Under the Influence 

Our instructors have likely seen the firsthand effects of driving under the influence as they are first responders and police officers. Your teen can learn how impaired driving negatively affects how they drive. Driving under the influence can affect your teen for years to come, and understanding this may help them avoid it.

We can help your teen understand the consequences of driving under the influence. Each state has different laws regarding impaired driving. Our instructors can teach your teen the ramifications per state. Your teen can understand the implications of driving under the influence and make a choice not to do so. 

Learning to Handle Emergencies

A lot can happen on the road, and we want to teach your teen how to handle emergencies if they arise. Our police officers and first responder instructors are experts in handling emergencies and can explain step-by-step the best way to deal with them. There are certain situations that your teen cannot control while driving. By understanding different ways to handle emergencies, you can help them be better prepared.

Preventive Teen Driving School 

At 911 Driving School, we want to help your teen understand the law and regulations put into place to keep them safe while driving. We offer three different courses to meet each student’s needs.

Our basic course provides information for those teens who may not know much about diving. These students may need a bit more time to grasp the concepts. The conventional course is for those who need less time. Our advanced course gives your student more time behind the wheel. Each student has different needs, and we provide preventive education for all. Contact us today to see which course suits your teen best.